Breast lumps are quite common in young females. The lump is essentially a growth of tissue that develops in the breast tissues. Some women refer to a breast lump as a swelling, fullness, thickening or a mass. Most women first identify a breast lump accidentally. Sometimes the mass may be discovered by a prudent physician who performs a physical exam. In the majority of cases, breast lumps generally do not have symptoms. However, in rare cases the breast lump can present as redness around the nipples, dimpling or tethering of skin, unequal breast size, nipple inversion or a bloody nipple discharge. In a few rare cases, the lump on breast may present with a skin rash or dermatitis. It is very rare for a female to complain of a painful lump in breast.
Findings of a breast lump does not always mean that one has a cancer. There are many causes of breast lumps in young women. However, breast lumps in postmenopausal women should always be of concern.
Fibrocystic disease is also common in many women in between the 3-4 decade of life. The breast usually feels lumpy and uneven. Physicians often refer to fibrocystic disease as glandular disease. Fibrocystic disease is found in more 50% of women at some point in their lives. Today, it is believed that fibrocystic disease is not a disease at all, just a variation of normal growth. Women who have fibrocystic disease do complain of pain or discomfort in the breast. However, the disorder is not life threatening and disappears after menopause. Simple homemade measures like wearing a support bra and avoiding caffeine beverages is all that is required.
Breast cysts are fluid filled sacs in one or both breasts. The cysts are round and have distinct margins. When examining the breasts, the cyst will feel like a grape. Very rarely will a breast cyst will feel firm. Breast cysts tend to be more common in women in the ¾ decade of life but may present earlier. In most cases, breast cysts disappear after menopause. Breast cysts generally do not require treatment unless they are large, causing pain or the female just wants it removed. In most cases, surgery is not required but the cyst can be drained with a needle in the office. Unfortunately, breast cysts do come back but they are not life threatening nor are they cancerous.
One common reason why many women are afraid to breast feed is because they believe that their breast will become saggy. This myth of gigantic proportions has been perpetuated over the centuries chiefly because of ignorance. Sure breasts can become saggy but this is not due to breast-feeding.
A lot of recent data shows that breast feedings does not affect the size, shape or volume of the breast. During all pregnancies, breasts are engorged and appear bigger. The ligaments that support the breasts also are stretched and often after delivery, the ligaments lose their elasticity and the breasts sag- so breast-feeding is not the reason for sagging. Unfortunately, breast sagginess does tend to increase with each successive pregnancy, and this is especially true in women who already have large breasts. To day, there is no medical treatment for saggy breast except cosmetic surgery